This forum was created to allow people who are passionate about darts and darts collecting and trading, to have a platform where they could share that passion with like minded people.
It was not created to spite any one individual or any other forum, but we felt the need for some freedom to be able to mention other retailers and talk about buying/selling/swapping.
It is not a licence to be abusive and malicious to others and is also not a licence to use foul language with disregard. I’m sure everyone who is an adult can act responsibly and should know what is within the realms of acceptability.
We do not want the threads littered with bad language but we are not saying you cannot partake in friendly banter as long as it is not hurting the directed parties in a malicious way, and we will not tolerate racial abuse or bullying for any discriminating reason be it on the grounds of religion, gender, sexuality, age, race and disability.
The chat box is a more lenient feature of the forum and as such a swear filter will not be imposed there. But again we expect people to use their own judgement and act like mature adults.
If you feel that these guidelines are not acceptable then please feel free to leave, but I’m sure you will understand that no matter what, there has to be a certain level of acceptable behaviour enforced.
Also if you join please contribute by posting. Joining and not participating is not desirable. You don't have to post every day but your opinions are valuable to the forum in general.
Many Thanks
Admin Team