So have my soft tip machine, got some good soft tip equipment(harrows fire + mint lip points), been practicing on my cougar machine alot. It is alot more fun than solo hours at the steel tip board I must say. Although I've been playing at steel tip distance just so I don't end up way off when I go back to steel tip now and again.
However, not knowing much about soft tip really I am curious what pro leagues exist and what I should be watching tv wise. I know there are american pro's out there like ray carver but no idea what league/leagues those folks play in nor the games they play. What kind of prize money/? Is it like the pdc's now or is it more like the bdo circa day 198x
Do they play 01' games or cricket or other? Are there rule variations I should be aware of? I turned the 50 single bull option off on my soft tip machine. Do the pro's play with it on or off? Etc..... etc......
Thanks for the info in advance!