Colin ‘Ozzy’ Osborne on the PDPA Practice Board
Practice routine…..
When i practice i like to keep it interesting which means lots of different routines and games.First off i will start off just throwing at the twenties ,(10-15 mins) then play the thousand game which is simply throwing at the twenties 100,,140,,180 etc and each time adding your score up to try and get to a thousand. And the first time you hit a five or a one you stop the game and go back to zero and start again. Very good for keeping your arm straight and throwing the dart straight…..
Then i will switch to doing some finishing 81 to 100 , in this game you go for the finish but you only have 3 attempts at it, if you hit the requierd finish within your 3 attempts then you move on to the next one up.But if you fail to finish the number you are going for within your 3 attempts you go back 1 and so on until you reach the hundred mark….
Then i will start off on 27 and throw 3 darts at double 1,, adding the price of the double onto my score wether it be 2,4,6 depending on how many times i have hit it .Then move onto number 2, then 3 ,,then 4 and so on all the way to the bull, but if you fail to hit the double you are going for you take the price of that double off your score and move on to the next one.Adding your score up all the way around too and including the bull.. 400 is a good score,,,, 600 is a very good score….
And also there is the around the board on doubles which i will do 2 or 3 times a session trying to hit 2 doubles on each number…
Dont let the practice become a chore you must enjoy it, to get the best results, HAPPY DARTING………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Colin “OZZY” Osborne……..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!