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 Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?

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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyMon May 07, 2012 10:09 pm

I know there have been one or two threads around regarding the collection of darts, but having read up on certain other websites with regards collections (anything from train sets to shoes, buttons to egg cups) I have found that us dart collectors are not alone, is it simply a harmless addiction or is it more sinister - have we developed some kind of illness?

From my own perspective before I joined the darting online community a couple of years ago I was quite happy with my B&W Steve Beaton's that I acquired about 10 years ago from an open event in Yarmouth (from Steve Beaton). I never had any temptations to buy more sets, not even a back up set.
I had started off originally on a set of Eric Bristow's Harrows in the mid 90's (the red ringed ones from Argos) but after not playing for a couple of years they went missing (only to be found again a couple of years ago in the attic) and were replaced by the Beaton's. With having no temptations to change I soon got used to short stems and pear flights, they did the job for me and I gradually got better with them.

That's until I joined the online community - I saw peoples collections and though my own darts looked dull in comparison to other peoples.

So, I managed to get a set of Red Dragon Steve Beatons, again match used by the man himself. Then I saw a set of Triple B's (Barneys old darts) and had to have a set, then a set of Colin Lloyd's arrived in the post, closely followed by a set of Adrian Grays, Orion Smooths, Gary Robson, John Lowe, Jelle Klaasen, McCoy Stealths, Razor grips, Peter Manley, Phil Taylor phase 1 and 2, Barney WC Gold... oh and silver and Machina, the list goes on.... and on and on.

I reckon over 50 different sets, bought, sold, swapped, lost and given away in the past couple of years - whilst nowhere near the amount many people have I still say 50 sets in 2 years is way too much, very excessive and unhealthy for anyone who takes playing darts seriously - far to many distractions, realignments, changes of grip, stance, shafts and flights, I reckon it has put my game back at least 5 years - and since settling with my 23g Lewis am just finding the sort of form I was showing 6 or 7 years ago.

So is it a harmless addiction?

I would say NO! It is an addiction for sure but an expensive one and one that in my experience at least has set me back years in my development as a dart player, so it is no longer harmless, not for me anyway.

I found some random quotes as to what type of symptoms a collecting addict may show (inserts the word 'darts' instead of 'collectables'):

You look for, buy, trade collectibles for hours on end, and the time you spend doing this has increased
You think about collectibles constantly, even when you’re not actively collecting
You have missed important meetings and events because of collecting
It's difficult for you to not buy more collectibles
You try to sneak more items into your home and hide them away
You have tried, unsuccessfully, to stop collecting
Your family or friends have asked you to cut back on collecting
Your personal interests have changed because of your collecting
You have created a financial burden on yourself and/or family due to your collecting
You have lost a personal or professional relationship because of collecting
The collecting no longer "makes you happy"

So if you answer 'yes' to several of the above (as I do) it is fair to say you are also an addict.

I think with myself, my darts became like a status symbol, I had found an avenue (via the internet and darts forums) where I could show off my new darts, if I didnt like them I could swap them easily, I could see nice darts in HD and would often go and buy them just because they looked nice.

Before hand, no body was interested what darts I had, we all just had a set of darts and that is all they were, just a set of darts. It didnt matter what they were made of, what colour they were of who branded them, they were just darts.

I am not saying everyone who collects darts is an addict, just ones like me, who don't have a wonderful collection including vintage, rare and darts that in years to come will make a nice profit - but people like myself, who just buy on impulse, gets darts to show them off or buy them because they look nice.
I need to stop, it has caused arguments with my other half, I have spent money I can't afford on stuff and regretted it.

I know deep down that I can throw my 23g Lewis' pretty well (and I am getting better), I don't need other sets (although my Beaton's and the Bristow's have a bit of sentimental value as previously stated). I could really do to get rid of all the other sets, maybe sell them, hide them away to pass on to my kids, i don't know, they have just become an unwelcome distraction that I don't need.

Sorry I have rambled on, but I am glad I got some of that off my chest - I have finally, I feel, come to terms with the fact that I have wasted time and money on numerous sets of darts for no other reason than to show them off or just to try them once or twice with the only results being me out of pocket (wife in my ear) and my development suffering in the process.

And so this is the end, for the time being at least. Evil or Very Mad
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyMon May 07, 2012 11:16 pm

great post that i can easily relate to.
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyMon May 07, 2012 11:20 pm

Nice post Greg!

I already made a reply to this, then I spilt a full cup of tea all over my desk, keyboard, scanner and pc, and various other items such as my mouse etc, took me a while to clean it all up and lost my original post.

So here I go again, well I can certainly relate to much of what you have posted. I think I could be borderline addiction/illness Smile

Perhaps the circumstances that got me started has something to do with it.

It was not long after my mam had died and I was very depressed, my Dad bought me a board and some darts, I quickly got addicted. Then I bought some new darts and each time I got some new darts or darts related items it was like a little moment of pleasure and joy. Maybe I got addicted to that feeling, like a drug, I guess I was compensating for the loss of my mother.

Anyway at one point I was close to stopping, I had about 6 or 8 sets that I was finally going to choose from and settle with. I then broke my shoulder and could not throw darts again for close to 18 months because of the pain.

During that time I bought more and more darts and also got into collecting the vintage darts and memorabilia too.

Tried to stop again recently but to no avail, I think it will be a long time yet before I ever stop, if at all.

Your right that it will not help your progress by buying and trying lots of different sets, I enjoy the collecting really so I am happy to continue and guess I will just have to sacrifice that because of it. Very Happy
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 12:01 am

And I can quit whenever I want!! I say that jokingly of course. I would be in the 20-30 set range that I bought/sold/traded in the past few years so I can relate to you as well Greg.
As I look back from day one of playing, I always seemed to have one dart that I really liked but either the barrel was a bit longer than I liked or the weight just wasn't right. I've been doing this now probably for the past ten or so years and like yourself, all the changing has hurt my game - I've gone backwards, not forward.

Maybe my addiction began maybe seven or eight years ago when I saw a set of Hammerheads and knew I had to have them. They were around $100 and I think I took a cash advance on my visa (don't think I was even working at the time). It was like knowing I was doing something wrong but did it anyway.

The sad part for me is, I've swapped so much in the past while that I don't even have a go - to set of darts. I've been switching shafts/flights and darts that when I go to a match, half the time I pick a set on the way out the door.

Anyway, that's my venting on the subject. With any luck out of the four sets I have coming in the mail, I will pick a set that I will stay with and not change.
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 7:37 am

Well I knew I wasn't the only one, however it seems everyone has different stories as to why they ended up with multiple setts of darts - I certainly think there is a difference between a collection of darts/ darts memorabilia and just a load of darts sat in the drawer.

However I guess it all stems from loving darts and wanting to own or try different darts, either through how they look or how much they may be worth.

The question remains, do I sell all my unwanted darts now, or do I put them away in a box and stick them in the attic - maybe in 15-20 years time they could be worth a small fortune?

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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 7:47 am

Sell em to me now! Very Happy
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 8:04 am

Hahahahah, if there's any you fancy let me know rebel smilie
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 9:05 am

When a person is addicted to something they cannot control how they use it, and become dependent on it to cope with daily life.

A habit may eventually develop into an addiction

Many of us can use substances or become engaged in activities without any significant problems. Some people, however, may experience damaging psychological and/or physical effects when their habit becomes an addiction.

What is the difference between a habit and an addiction?

Addiction - there is a psychological/physical component; the person is unable to control the aspects of the addiction without help because of the mental or physical conditions involved.
Habit - it is done by choice. The person with the habit can choose to stop, and will subsequently stop successfully if they want to. The psychological/physical component is not an issue as it is with an addiction.

Put simply - with a habit you are in control of your choices, with an addiction you are not in control of your choices.

Addiction to substances or activities can sometimes lead to serious problems at home, work, school and socially.

The causes of addiction vary considerably, and are not often fully understood. They are generally caused by a combination of physical, mental, circumstantial and emotional factors.

Addiction, often referred to as dependency often leads to tolerance - the addicted person needs larger and more regular amounts of whatever they are addicted to in order to receive the same effect. Often, the initial reward is no longer felt, and the addiction continues because withdrawal is so unpleasant.

citation: Medical news today.
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 9:08 am

I believe that some of us are addicted . Now where is that credit card !! Good Luck
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 9:45 am

SilverSaber wrote:
When a person is addicted to something they cannot control how they use it, and become dependent on it to cope with daily life.

A habit may eventually develop into an addiction

Many of us can use substances or become engaged in activities without any significant problems. Some people, however, may experience damaging psychological and/or physical effects when their habit becomes an addiction.

What is the difference between a habit and an addiction?

Addiction - there is a psychological/physical component; the person is unable to control the aspects of the addiction without help because of the mental or physical conditions involved.
Habit - it is done by choice. The person with the habit can choose to stop, and will subsequently stop successfully if they want to. The psychological/physical component is not an issue as it is with an addiction.

Put simply - with a habit you are in control of your choices, with an addiction you are not in control of your choices.

Addiction to substances or activities can sometimes lead to serious problems at home, work, school and socially.

The causes of addiction vary considerably, and are not often fully understood. They are generally caused by a combination of physical, mental, circumstantial and emotional factors.

Addiction, often referred to as dependency often leads to tolerance - the addicted person needs larger and more regular amounts of whatever they are addicted to in order to receive the same effect. Often, the initial reward is no longer felt, and the addiction continues because withdrawal is so unpleasant.

citation: Medical news today.

best post Now I know I am Crazy Grip

lol on floor
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 9:49 am

If I was in control of my choices there wouldn't be 10+ sets in the drawer that I neither use or am ever going to use! No

I am going to nip this in the bud, tomorrow all my sets (aside from 23g Lewis') are going on eBay and to make sure this gets done I am ringing in sick for work! (as certified by medical journal!) so there! drool
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 10:15 am

You guys have to go to the next level. Buy over a hundred dartboards and hang them on every wall of your game room. I can sit on my desk chair and swivel 360 degrees and throw my over 200 sets of darts I have collected and never get bored.
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 10:15 am

how about the gold lewis's?
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 10:16 am

dartbord wrote:
You guys have to go to the next level. Buy over a hundred dartboards and hang them on every wall of your game room. I can sit on my desk chair and swivel 360 degrees and throw my over 200 sets of darts I have collected and never get bored.

Don't tell them that!!
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 10:19 am

USMC80 wrote:
how about the gold lewis's?

Keeping as they are 23g head spin all the rest may well be on eBay by noon GMT!
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 10:33 am

pm sent

-and i have 2 sets on the way. I dunno lol
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 10:38 am

Replied Rum mate post
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 1:00 pm

It's difficult for me, to avoid looking at new darts and wondering if I could play better with them.

I only have a few darts in my collection but some have been bought on impulse. I have started to let go of some - to finance my next purchase. So I'm not there yet in completely stopping the desire to buy new darts (I doubt I will) and sticking to my current set. I would consider myself an addict but not completely.

Good topic. Made me more aware of my current mindset on darts. +1 to Rebel.

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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 1:07 pm

Rebel wrote:
USMC80 wrote:
how about the gold lewis's?

Keeping as they are 23g head spin all the rest may well be on eBay by noon GMT!

Booooooooooooo! Larry Dino
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 6:23 pm

Hahaha lol on floor

I am literally on the verge of sticking everything except 3 sets of Lewis' (Beatons and Bristows incl.) on eBay.

I know inside they need to go, I have no plans on using any of them and they have maybe been gathered subconsciously, maybe as cutter said, for the purpose of swaps?

I think one thing that has, in the past, stopped me selling them all, is the fact I didn't need the money for anything in particular, however now I need a new memory unit for my xBox, and so I know whatever I get for the darts will get me a storage unit rather than just going on more darts or booze........ rebel smilie
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 6:49 pm

Rebel wrote:
Hahahahah, if there's any you fancy let me know rebel smilie

You know what darts I want Greg, the splitadoms! Very Happy

dartbord wrote:
You guys have to go to the next level. Buy over a hundred dartboards and hang them on every wall of your game room. I can sit on my desk chair and swivel 360 degrees and throw my over 200 sets of darts I have collected and never get bored.

cry laugh That sounds like a new way to play darts, hmmm what shall we call it, "swivel darts", or "rota darts"?
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 8:27 pm

PM on its way to you grip Very Happy

Also open to offers on everything (except Lewis') in my list. I will wait until end of week to put any on eBay so as not to mess anyone about.
I will update as and when any sets go.

I am in England for postage etc...


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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 10:14 pm

I have extra memory units for xbox360!!!
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Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction?   Darts Collections: Illness or just adiction? EmptyTue May 08, 2012 11:38 pm

OK sorted mac, Winmau Beaton's gone, as have JP Customs and Triple B's,

Will do a new thread when I get chance for rest of available sets,

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